Discussing Human Potential

If i was to ask you what percentage of people actually realize their full potential in anything they please, what would you tell me? What if i changed the question and asked if you have achieved your own potential what would be your response? Well i can safely tell you that the phrase "full potential" is just a compliment or lack of it is just a doubt and that nobody can truly ever identify it in themselves let alone another person. The reason i say this is that nobody knows what a human being is capable of and to what extent they are capable of doing it.
People use some methods unrelated to a person's potential as the measuring stick for human potential in many fields. This includes body type and build. Taller people have the potential to be better athletes right? I'm going to leave this here just as food for thought. Open your mind and lets discuss this random idea of mine. Let me know if you agree in the comment section.

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